Sydney Family Law Mediation for Sensible Dispute Resolution

My experience in family law mediation in Sydney as a Family Lawyer since 1986, and as a Family Court Counsel since 1997, has given me a deep understanding of the law. I specialize in complex financial disputes and understand the unique nuances of the family law jurisdiction.

family law mediation Sydney

Two Key Aspects of Sydney Family Law Mediation

First, drawing on my four decades of experience as a family lawyer and mediator, I have found that parties appreciate receiving an opinion on the likely outcome of their case. If the matter were to go before a judge, I can provide insight into potential rulings. My approach to family law mediation in Sydney ensures clients receive practical guidance tailored to their situation.

Second, my fees are flexible and often depend on the financial circumstances of the parties.

How Does Mediation Play a Crucial Role in Sydney Family Law?

Mediation has become a critical part of family law. It is the most efficient way to resolve disputes and is strongly encouraged by the Courts. Family dispute resolution in Sydney offers an effective way for parties to navigate legal matters while maintaining control over their lives.

Most importantly, fair and just agreements:

  • Help parties save significant legal costs.
  • Prevent prolonged, stressful litigation.

Successful mediation leads to parties in disputes being able to keep control over the way their family law issues and concerns are resolved, and how their financial arrangements are restructured after a separation; or how arrangements for their children are decided. Family law conflict resolution in Sydney provides a structured yet flexible approach to resolving these matters outside the courtroom. This is of course preferable for decisions about family finances or children to be made by a judge in a stressful open courtroom environment, where final hearing can be several years away.

Neil Jackson Mediator

About Mediator Neil Jackson

My experience as a Family Lawyer since 1986, including since 1997 as a Family Court Counsel, provides me with a very strong understanding of the law, including complex financial disputes, as well as an appreciation of the unique nuances associated with the family law jurisdiction.

Key Considerations for Lawyers in Family Law Disputes

As mediator, I will typically conduct an intake assessment with each of the parties individually. If the parties are represented by a lawyer, then the lawyer will attend as well. The critically important intake assessment permits me to ascertain which form of mediation will work best for the parties and their lawyers. This is notably relevant when there are allegations of high conflict and/or family violence.

Sad girl hugging father during family mediation
Judge gavel with family law attorneys

Family Law Collaborative Approach to Consider

Collaboration in family law involves resolving family law issues, concerns and disputes with the support of lawyers and other experts as needed, in a series of meetings, much like a mediation. Collaboration involves both parties and their lawyers agreeing and committing to finding an out-of-court solution. Another is that parties work through the steps towards a resolution, including all planning and advice given, with their lawyers and the other party present.


I am qualified to also engage in Arbitration to resolve any financial related disputes.

Arbitration is a process in which parties to a financial dispute, (other than proceedings relating to a Part VIIIAB financial agreement), present arguments and evidence to an independent arbitrator, who decides to resolve the dispute. The power is provided by way of Court orders through section 10L of the Family Law Act 1975.

Couple meeting with family law attorney

My fees are entirely negotiable and range for both or all parties combined, from $2,750 inclusive of GST, to $6,600 inclusive of GST. The fees as agreed will depend in part on the financial circumstances of the parties.